Turning Dreams into Reality: The Story of Corner to Corner

In 2011, compelled by the call of Jesus to “love our neighbors as we love ourselves,” Will and Tiffany Acuff founded Corner to Corner. What began as a vision to help neighbors flourish on their own terms has blossomed into a powerful force for change. With a foundation of community partnership and Christ-centered love, Corner to Corner’s program first started with the goal of equipping individuals with skills to gain meaningful employment. Today, under the leadership of Executive Director Shana Berkeley, the organization has expanded its mission to create economic flourishing through entrepreneurship. The heart of Corner to Corner’s programming lies in The Academy, an entrepreneurship training initiative that has helped over 1,400 underestimated entrepreneurs launch and grow small businesses. Through their recruitment efforts, sponsorship, and partnership, led by Recruitment Director, Jasmine Lafayette and her team, HUNDREDS of entrepreneurs apply to The Academy program every Spring and Fall for the chance to join their PROVEN training program. Once enrolled in the Academy 10-week training program, participants learn critical business foundations, led by Academy Director, Marcia Smith and her team. These essential components consist of customer acquisition, accounting principles, legal structures, and more. Alumni facilitators, guest speakers, and subject matter experts, such as lawyers and accountants, provide hands-on guidance and expand participants’ professional networks. Graduates are celebrated in style with one of the biggest events in town, but the journey doesn’t end there. The Academy Alumni Program, led by Jaron Spicer and his team, offers ongoing mentorship, additional educational resources, and even access to a pilot loan program called The Academy Invested. This ensures that entrepreneurs continue to thrive, whether through enhanced e-commerce skills or advanced digital marketing training. Lamar Allen, owner of Lamarvelous Balloons, turned his side hustle into a six-figure business after graduating from The Academy. With the guidance of a mentor, he scaled his business, secured his first warehouse, and made the leap to full-time entrepreneurship. Jessica Doaks, founder of The Black Candle Company, used her training to secure retail partnerships and open a brick-and-mortar store. Meanwhile, Delly Thomas, owner of Melted Melodies Candle Co., transformed her dream into a successful business, earning accolades and sharing her expertise as a facilitator for The Academy. Corner to Corner’s mission is deeply rooted in addressing systemic challenges. Black entrepreneurs in Nashville face a 90% wealth gap compared to White men, according to a 2021 Goldman Sachs report. Despite having passion and creativity, many lack access to the resources and opportunities needed to thrive. Corner to Corner aims to close this gap by creating on-ramps of opportunity, providing tools, training, and networks tailored to their needs. Events like Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Nashville’s Business Connect Brunch (BCB) exemplify Corner to Corner’s dedication to fostering community and entrepreneurship. These events serve as a bridge, connecting aspiring and starting entrepreneurs with clients, resources, training, mentors, and countless other opportunities. In addition, The Business Connect Brunch uniquely integrates a spiritual component, motivating attendees to exercise their faith in their calling, gifts, and talents. It’s a chance to activate faith through purposeful and intentional efforts toward entrepreneurial goals. Corner to Corner’s involvement with The Business Connect Brunch has significantly strengthened its network and expanded awareness of its programming. Since supporting The Business Connect Brunch in 2023, numerous Mount Zion members and attendees have connected with Corner to Corner or applied to The Academy. At BCB 2024, approximately 25 attendees applied to our training program, and we made connections with industry professionals that can potentially be part of their expert speaker pipeline and be a warm lead for entrepreneur resources. As a sponsor of the 2025 Business Connect Brunch, Corner to Corner is excited to continue empowering entrepreneurs with the resources, community, and mentorship needed to pursue their dreams and build sustainable businesses. To learn more about Corner to Corner, visit www.cornertocorner.org. To learn more about the Business Connect Brunch visit mtzionnashville.org/business-connect-brunch-2025/
The Ultimate Business Brunch for Aspiring Entrepreneurs, Leaders and Business Owners

NASHVILLE, Tenn., Nov. 18, 2024 — Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Nashville is proud to announce the return of Business Connect Brunch, a dynamic event designed to help aspiring entrepreneurs, business owners, and leaders gain the skills, resources, and connections they need to grow and succeed. Taking place on January 25, 2025, at the J.W. Marriott located at 201 8th Ave S, Nashville, TN 37203, this one-day event will feature a series of hands-on workshops, industry expert leaders, and exclusive networking opportunities, all focused on providing practical tools and strategies for business growth. The 2025 Business Connect Brunch will also launch EntreSchool, an exclusive educational track designed for serious entrepreneurs. We will host two in-person courses on January 25, 2025, at 8 a.m. We are excited to announce we will have renowned speaker Dr. Sonya Stribling as our 2025 guest speaker. A retired U.S Army Major, Dr. Stribling is now the successful chairwoman of a nine-figure business entitled, P3University. She offers support and training to business owners, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders, teaching her followers how to scale 6-figures and beyond. From her one-on-one coaching, group training events to online seminars, thousands shift their life, career and business from her teachings. Tickets are available for purchase at mtzionnashville.org. Due to high demand and limited space, we encourage attendees to secure their spot as soon as possible. “We are excited to bring together a diverse group of entrepreneurs and business owners who are ready to take action and scale their ventures,” said LaConteau Williams, executive director of marketing and communications at Mt. Zion Baptist Church. “Business Connect Brunch is more than just an event—it’s a chance to learn from the best in the business, collaborate with others in your field, and leave with the tools and knowledge you need to succeed. It’s the perfect opportunity for anyone looking to build their business or expand their reach.”
$200,000 in Scholarships Awarded to 100 students

NASHVILLE, Tenn., Nov. 10, 2024 – On Nov. 10, 2024, Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Nashville hosted its biggest event of the year, College Sunday. Each year, Mt. Zion Baptist Church hosts a special Sunday dedicated to celebrating college students and their achievements. The church was filled from wall to wall with college students from all over the country celebrating their love for Jesus Christ. Bishop Joseph W. Walker, III senior pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church, started the College Ministry in the early 90’s. Over the years the ministry has grown to become one of the most well-known and respected ministries in the nation. College Sunday is a direct reflection of the Growing Believers, Producing Achievers vision mantra of the 28,000-member church. During the service, 100 students were awarded $200,000 in scholarships to help support their educational goals and aspirations. Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Nashville officially launched our scholarship program in 2016 with $5,000 in total funding. In 2024 that number has nearly quadrupled in size, providing hundreds of students with financial support. This year we also had a special musical performance from Grammy award winning musician, singer, songwriter and record producer, PJ Morton. Since 2012, he has been the keyboardist for pop band Maroon 5. College Sunday takes place once a year at 7594 Old Hickory Blvd., Whites Creek, TN 37189 during the 11:15 a.m. CST worship service. The entire service can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/nEsK9ynhWUc By LaConteau Williams | Executive Director of Marketing and Media | Communications Specialist Facebook: Mtzionnashville Instagram: @Mtzionnashville Email: lpwilliams@mtzionnashville.org
Joheidi Lipscomb Finds Belonging and Purpose at Mt. Zion Baptist Church

Over 20 years ago, Joheidi Lipscomb heard a powerful message from Senior Pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Bishop Joseph Walker III, and her life was forever transformed. Born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Lipscomb was raised in the Catholic faith. Although she has now converted to Christianity, she credits her early Catholic roots with introducing her to a connection with God. “I come from a very rich heritage of family connected to the Roman Catholic faith. I went to a Catholic school and had my first communion and confirmation through the Catholic church. I can’t tell you how,” expressed Lipscomb, “but early on I felt a kinship to the nuns in my school and always felt the love they had for God. They taught me how God loves all of us.” It’s this same love of all people that welcomed her into the doors of Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Lipscomb was invited to attend her first service at Mt. Zion Baptist by a friend. “My first time at Mt. Zion, a friend from work invited me to the Antioch location. Before the service started, Bishop Walker said he felt the Holy Spirit telling him to have all the first-time members come and sit at the front of the sanctuary. I was nervous but obeyed.” It was during this service Lipscomb states she felt her “heart was pierced”, and she made a life changing decision to become a member of Mt. Zion Baptist Church. As a Hispanic American joining a predominantly African American church, the experience can be a cultural shock however Lipscomb believes Mt. Zion is heading in the right direction when it comes to embracing diversity. “Mount Zion is predominantly an African American Church, but I believe that the essence of inclusivity is there. We just need to be more intentional in letting the world know.” She stated. In fact, Lipscomb has answered the call to help make people more aware of Mt. Zion’s multicultural ministry. Her aspirations are to use her passion for evangelism to help spread the word of God and show others the beauty of multiculturalism in the ministry. “Though we may think and look different,” expressed Lipscomb, “There is no difference in the heart of the believer. I’m reminded of a song by Tasha Cobbs, “One Hallelujah.” The lyrics talk about one God, one Lord, one faith. God doesn’t exclude anyone from His salvation.” Furthermore, she has also found a place in the church to develop her ministry skills. For many years, Lipscomb pondered on where God was calling her to serve. After a zoom call with Bishop Walker, he encouraged her to explore Mt. Zion’s Ministers in Training program (MIT), a three-year program focused on offering a deeper understanding of the Christian faith, while also developing ministers to evangelize and teach the word of God. The program aligns with Bishop Walker’s vision of “Growing Believers, Producing Achievers.” Now in her final year of the MIT program Lipscomb can truly attest to the ways she has grown as a member of Mt. Zion Baptist Church. “I have always believed in Jesus,” expressed Lipscomb, “and have never denied Him, however, as I grew older and started making my own decisions for my life, I had no direction or guidance. I was just existing. When I heard Bishop Walker’s message over 20 years ago, I felt the Holy Spirit calling me into the fold, into purpose.” She credits her support system at Mt. Zion for helping her remain inspired and motivated to become the best version of herself. Leaders like Bishop Walker, Elders Ricardo and Chaka Dorcean, Elder Marlise Collins, her parents and her husband Corey are just a few of the people who mentored her along her journey. She is also hopeful she will be able to inspire a robust culture of multiculturalism at Mt. Zion, while still celebrating the historic and very important roots of the church. Hispanic and Latino Americans make up an estimated 18.3% of the total U.S. population, growing as one of the largest ethnic minority groups in the nation. During Hispanic Heritage Month it is essential we recognize diverse members of our church like Joheidi Lipscomb and show appreciation to her contributions to our ministry and community. Diversity in image, culture, thought and so much more reflect the Kingdom of God. Genesis 1:27 reminds us we are ALL created in the image and likeness of God. By LaConteau Williams | Executive Director of Marketing and Media | Communications Specialist Facebook: Mtzionnashville Instagram: @Mtzionnashville Email: lpwilliams@mtzionnashville.org
The History of Juneteenth

Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. From its Galveston, Texas origin in 1865, the observance of June 19th as the African American Emancipation Day has spread across the United States and beyond. Dating back to 1865, it was on June 19th that the Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordon Granger, landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that the enslaved were now free. Note that this was two and a half years after President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation – which had become official January 1, 1863. The Emancipation Proclamation had little impact on the Texans due to the minimal number of Union troops to enforce the new Executive Order. However, with the surrender of General Lee in April of 1865, and the arrival of General Granger’s regiment, the forces were finally strong enough to influence and overcome the resistance. Today, Juneteenth commemorates African American freedom and emphasizes education and achievement. It is a day, a week, and in some areas a month marked with celebrations, guest speakers, picnics and family gatherings. It is a time for reflection and rejoicing. It is a time for assessment, self-improvement and for planning the future. Its growing popularity signifies a level of maturity and dignity in America long over due. In cities across the country, people of all races, nationalities and religions are joining hands to truthfully acknowledge a period in our history that shaped and continues to influence our society today. ©www.juneteenth.com By: Nicole Gilbert